The gods live amongst us. They pass themselves off as normal human beings while causing havoc and destruction on humankind for their amusement. Project 40 is a secret government organization that trains paranormal agents to track and capture these supernatural beings for national security purposes. All their efforts have failed, until now.
DOCTOR TEO NOCHE, a 27-year-old college professor with a secret psychic power to commune with the dead, is visited by the ghost of JOHN “MAC” MACKENZIE. Mac was an agent for Project 40 and wants Teo to join the project to track down the Yoruba god CHANGO, who also knows the location of Mac’s former partner, MINERVA.
Minerva is Teo’s mother who abandoned him and his father, JOSE, when Teo was ten years old. Teo misses his mother and wants to help find her. Still, he is conflicted about leaving his career to search for a woman who abandoned him.
The next day Teo gets a visit from Project 40 agent KEEGAN CALDER. Calder invites Teo to join the project. Teo decides to think about the offer, as he’s not eager to quit his teaching job. After Calder leaves, agents of Daedalus, a corporation run by a Chinese businessman, SONG BU, kidnap Teo.
Bu is a former Project 40 agent also aware of the existence of the gods. Bu wants Teo to join him in his quest to find Chango, who Bu believes shares divinity with the Chinese deity FEI LIAN. Bu wants to get revenge on Fei Lian for destroying his childhood home and killing his family. But Teo refuses and is rescued by Calder. A grateful Teo agrees to help Project 40 in exchange for finding his mother.